Step-Up might help if…
- Parents report walking on eggshells to keep the peace
- Use of abusive or threatening language by youth toward parents
- Youth refuses to follow rules and resorts to abuse to get their way
- Pushing, hitting, kicking of family members by teen
- Throwing objects, damaging property to control parents
- Parents are fearful of teen
- Teen is running away
Learning to take responsibility for behavior by talking about it in check-in sets the foundation for youth to learn and practice new skills for changing their behavior and for parents to learn new skills to support their teen’s behavior change.
Through a series of skill building sessions parents and teens learn together and separately. The curriculum uses restorative processes, violence prevention tools, and cognitive behavioral strategies.
Brought to you by the Sophia Center, in partnership with Sylvania Area Family Services and grant funded by Catholic Health Initiatives.

How Step-Up
During the Check-In process at the beginning of every group, teens look at the Abuse/Disrespect Wheel and the Respect Wheel in their workbooks and identify behaviors that they used in the previous week. They also report on their progress on weekly goals and make a goal for the following week.